
For a more comprehensive list of my publications, please visit my google scholar.

Sadri, B., Goswami, D., Sala de Medeiros, M., Pal, A., Castro, B., Kuang, S., & Martinez, R. V. (2018). Wearable and Implantable Epidermal Paper-Based Electronics. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 10(37), 31061-31068.

Sadri, B., Goswami, D., & Martinez, R. (2018). Rapid fabrication of epidermal paper-based electronic devices using razor printing. Micromachines, 9(9), 420.

Goswami, D., Munera, J. C., Pal, A., Sadri, B., Scarpetti, C. L. P., & Martinez, R. V. (2018). Roll-to-roll Nanoforming of Metals using Laser-induced Superplasticity. Nano letters, 18(6), 3616-3622.

Castro, B., de Medeiros, M. S., Sadri, B., & Martinez, R. V. (2018). Portable and power-free serodiagnosis of Chagas disease using magnetic levitating microbeads. Analyst, 143(18), 4379-4386.

Heidari, R., Khosroshahi, A. R., Sadri, B., & Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2019). The Electrohydrodynamic mixer for producing homogenous emulsion of dielectric liquids. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 123592.

Sadeghi, H. M., Sadri, B., Kazemi, M. A., & Jafari, M. (2018). Coalescence of charged droplets in outer fluids. Journal of colloid and interface science, 532, 363-374.

Razi, M., Nazaripoor, H., Sadri, B., Thundat, T., & Sadrzadeh, M. (2019). Development of a 3D-printed modified Scheludko-cell: Potential application for adsorption and thin liquid film study. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 561, 341-348.

Almansoori, Z., Khorshidi, B., Sadri, B., & Sadrzadeh, M. (2018). Parametric study on the stabilization of metal oxide nanoparticles in organic solvents: A case study with indium tin oxide (ITO) and heptane. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 40, 1003-1013.

Sadri, B., Pernitsky, D., & Sadrzadeh, M. (2017). Aggregation and deposition of colloidal particles: Effect of surface properties of collector beads. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 530, 46-52.

Faraji, S., Sadri, B., Hokmabad, B. V., Jadidoleslam, N., & Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2017). Experimental study on the role of electrical conductivity in pulsating modes of electrospraying. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81, 327-335.

Hokmabad, B. V., Faraji, S., Dizajyekan, T. G., Sadri, B., & Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2014). Electric field-assisted manipulation of liquid jet and emanated droplets. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 65, 127-137.

Sadri, B., Tabatabaee-Hosseini, P., Hokmabad, B. V., Charan, M. R., & Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2013). Experimental study on the regimes of W/O interface in the presence of vertical electric field. Journal of colloid and interface science, 400, 104-115.

Tabatabaee-Hosseini, P., Sadri, B., & Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2012). Experimental study on the impinging of two opposed inclined electrified laminar jets in the stagnant dielectric medium. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 42, 230-239.

Hokmabad, B. V., Sadri, B., Charan, M. R., & Esmaeilzadeh, E. (2012). An experimental investigation on hydrodynamics of charged water droplets in dielectric liquid medium in the presence of electric field. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 401, 17-28..

Sadri, B., Hokmabad, B. V., Esmaeilzadeh, E., & Gharraei, R. (2012). Experimental investigation of electrosprayed droplets behaviour of water and KCl aqueous solutions in silicone oil. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 36, 249-255.

Hojjati, M., Esmaeilzadeh, E., Sadri, B., & Gharraei, R. (2011). Electrohydrodynamic conduction pumps with cylindrical electrodes for pumping of dielectric liquid film in an open channel. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 392(1), 294-299.